Friday, February 15, 2008

First "real" midwife appointment and all is well...

I was so nervous that the weather was going to make my trip to Wadsworth scary, but it wasn't bad at all. I spent the morning wondering "why in the world do I travel a half hour away when I could probably find someone closer to home?" But our midwife is so wonderful, and so is her partner (who I haven't seen yet this time around, but she delivered Emma) that I couldn't imagine seeing anyone else. Plus, my experience at Wadsworth-Rittman Hospital was so great, that I definitely want to deliver there again! The staff was amazing, the rooms were actually big (compared to a lot of hospitals I've seen), I got a massage the next day, and Ryan and I got a private dinner the next day, too! What service!!!!

Anyways, my appointment was just a plain old visit with an exam to make sure I'm a-okay inside and out ;) I do have to go give blood again at some point, which I HATE!!! It's really not as bad as I make it out to be, I just let the anticipation kill me, how dumb.

So until I have more to write about, everyone have a great weekend, and all is still well with the Hamric family!

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