Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Weekly progress report

"Progress" being the key word. I'm now 3 cm. (all right!!!) and still 60% effaced. I'm trying to remember, I think I was 4 cm. dilated when we arrived at the hospital when I gave birth to Emma.

Anyways, it's encouraging!!

My next appointment, if I don't go into labor before then, is next Monday. I'll add another update then!


Cheyenne and John said...

oooh.. things are happening.. It's only a matter of time till your holding your sweet baby girl!! thanks for the update!

Cheyenne and John said...

hey girl.. do you use formula? we got a bunch from the hospital and don't want it to go to waste...

Ryan & Deb said...

i don't plan on it...we have some free sample backups, but i'm really going to give BFing a good try this time.

thanks for thinking of us, though!