Monday, August 25, 2008

another week down....two more to go???

I've made only a little progress since last week. I'm now 1 cm. "and a wiggle" (as my fun midwife, Sue, puts it) and I'm 60% effaced. 10% thinner than last week!

Sue did say she thinks (what does she know?!?!?!) that I'll go to my due date. My hopes of perhaps going early shot down by a plain old mean comment! Hahaha. I'm teasing of course. I love my midwife -- both of them. I just think it's wrong to tell a 38-week pregnant woman that she has to wait longer...even though she knows damn well that waiting is all she has to do now. It's all a mental game, and I suck at it. Plus, these Braxton-Hicks contractions are driving me CRAZY...I just wish I knew they were doing something then I'd probably -- again, mentally -- handle them better.

These days it's just getting harder for me to keep up with Emma. Even the simplest activity as playing Play-Doh takes its toll. Getting up and down off the floor is not easy...or pretty for those near me! So delivering Maggie sooner than later, although having two kids in the house will be a chore too, will at least get my body feeling 'back to normal' sooner than later.

I'll update next Tuesday after my next appointment...unless I'm given reason to post before then!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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