Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Any day now??

I wish!! I know technically I'm not due for another three weeks, but I'm hopeful of the fact that I may go early since this is baby no. 2. I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore (and of course meet our Maggie Lee). Emma was a very active baby, but Maggie beats me up so bad daily!! It's crazy. I just mentioned to a friend of mine that I hope her actions now aren't indicative of her behavior on 'the outside'!!! I can only hope and pray that Maggie is like her sister in the fact that Emma was an "easy" baby (for the most part) and we were/are really lucky!

So as a quick update of our progress, at my appointment on Monday (I'll be going every week now until I give birth), I was dilated 1 cm. and 50% effaced. Exactly the same as I was with Emma at this point! Let's just hope Maggie, with the help of these terrible Braxton-Hicks contractions, help me progress quicker.

I'll definitely keep everyone better updated as the big day draws near.

**On a side note: BIG Congratulations to my friend Chey and her husband John for the birth of their son, Riley Asher Wilson on August 18th. Also, a second BIG Congratulations to Chey's brother, Trav (who I graduated with) and his wife, Pam for the birth of their son (I don't know his name yet) on August 19th! I'm so happy for you guys!!!

Check Chey and John's blog here, and Trav and Pam's blog here.

1 comment:

Cheyenne and John said...

Yup... Now it's your turn Debi- and I'll be eager to see updates on the blog about Maggie!!! :) Thanks for all the sweet comments! I'm so relieved now that Riley's here! Good luck with the last leg!!!